Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

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Mid Century Modern Wood Fence – My yard has been an ever-changing and sometimes massive landscaping project. I feel lucky to have a very wide, flat, rectangular space to work with, but it took a lot of effort to visualize the overall design. Last summer it was quite an achievement to tackle the three sided pergolas on the ground that needed to be done before diving into the details. When I painted the wall, I could better visualize some of the additional features that would light up the east side of the yard.

The long wall of black vertical lines was beautiful in its own way, but something was definitely needed to break up the monotony of the 40 feet. As I began to shape my design, I drew inspiration from many places.

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

With a recent trip to Palm Springs, I was looking for interesting architectural and sculptural elements to add to the yard. The part that really impressed me was the metal wall outside the barber shop. Sure, the orange spoke to me, but the layered 3D effect and cut-out shapes did wonders for a nondescript background. I also picked up a copy of Sunset’s Entryways & Front Gardens (1961) on my exciting adventure. While the cover alone is enough to convince me to pick it up, it also has some clever styling ideas. I imagine. One specifically addresses screens for interest or privacy. While I didn’t need more privacy with a three-pile wall in my yard, I definitely needed some interest. I found the single screen concept in the book particularly beautiful and appropriate for the period. It’s a vertical stack of 2 x 4s with concrete posts (if you hear a copy, on page 26). The bleached block effect creates a fun, modern vibe without being too complicated or funky. The examples shown in the book are built around 3′ x 7′, but I tried to build something larger to fill the space better. Of course, the 2019 MCM Home Tour was just around the corner, so I decided to start this project 2 weeks before the event date.

Erasmus Fence & Gate

After some general measurements were taken, we proceeded to create the 12′ x 7′ model in Illustrator. So I was able to play with the layout and measure exactly how much wood I needed for the project. If you want to do a project like this, I suggest you create a draft of the project to avoid over-ordering.

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

Before I started the fun part of the building, I had to start something less fun, but absolutely necessary. I tore up the soil with a garden trowel and dug a trench for a new drain pipe (the previous drain was completely crushed and useless). Pulling weeds and leveling the soil was next. When I look back at this review, it all seems so quick and easy, but make no mistake, it was 2 days of hard work.

The redwood arrived just as I finished the soil, so I jumped right into the build. Starting with the longest wood at 12 feet, I began measuring where each of the 5 anchor posts would be placed. I had never owned a jigsaw before this project, but when I did, it saved me a lot of cutting time. I can’t imagine building it without this power and convenience. After the 5 columns, top, bottom and 2 sides were attached with board screws, I lifted the structure and tested the weight. This thing was wild to say the least and there was still a lot of wood to stick to. Glenn and I decided it would be best to jack the thing up and fix the rest of the parts in place to prevent herniation.

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

Privacy Fence Ideas For Yards Of All Sizes

We put the frame on the fence, planted the plants and marked the spot to dig a hole for each of the 5 posts. At 10 feet long, I dug about 3 feet deep. To account for the slope of the yard, the post holes are reduced in depth closer to the back of the yard, 2 feet. It took some work to get the structure perfect, but it was imperative to stick to the top of the screen. Post holes are filled with a mixture of pea gravel and quick-setting concrete. After a few hours, it was clear for us to continue building the internal parts of the screen.

When we got to the posts and interior blocks, precise measurements and pencil marks were needed. Because of the inconsistency of the wood, we had to get measurements as accurate as 1/32 inch, and each piece was measured as you went.

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

As for the paint, I knew I would go with Sherwin-Williams Obstinate Orange to match the other front door and backyard trim, which would provide a bold pop of color against the triple black magic. Its durability range is excellent for outdoor applications and moisture resistance. I started painting the frame with a roller, but soon realized that all the nooks and crannies required an electric sprayer. By hanging a sheet of plastic to protect the surrounding surfaces and plants we saved days of painting and covered the entire structure with 3 coats of paint in just a few hours.

Sturdy Fence Co.

I ordered a truckload of gravel from Hasti to fill the bed. They had a great variety and I finally settled on their field sand which is a fine grain mix of grey, white and some warm tan/orange. Shovel by shovel, we took gravel from the sidewalk and filled it into a rectangular bed.

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

My neighbor gave me driftwood and a large collection of lava rocks from his inner patio before he left. They lined up outside my house for months, but I knew one day they would be home in this bed. Low-maintenance greenery is joined by an array of cacti and agaves. These sunny plants will get very large in time, so I can’t wait to see how they fill the space. I also included various sizes of fiberglass rocks in the design. I’m not usually a fan of anything artificial, but I know I’ll have to move the elements around as the plants continue to grow and I don’t want to be moving rocks on a regular basis. This choice allows me to include large sculptural elements that can be easily changed and reimagined as the bed evolves.

Other landscaping areas still have a ways to go, but this dramatic, colorful piece of art best defines the position and direction I will take with my future projects. Walking back to the finish line, I feel like I have a piece of Palm Springs in my backyard, with the summer temperatures a little cooler and a lot more comfortable. Time to shake off the cocktail and put my feet up for at least a day or two.

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

Modern Privacy Fence

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Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

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Mid Century Modern Patchwork Square Metal Gate, Gates

Screen, decorative screen, privacy, fence, decoration, landscaping, exterior, garden, yard, midcentury, midcentury modern, mcm, , streng, strengbros, strengbroshomes, mystrenghome, cartersparks, citrusheights, sacramento , japanese , drylandscape , bonsai , lavarock , california , front yard , landscape , maple , rails , retaining wall , japanese garden , japan , drain cover , landscape design Spring has finally arrived up north and I’m taking advantage of the warm weather to keep working. Our new AC condenser is now up and running, replacing the original mid-century unit that unfortunately stopped working. This thing is pretty cool – an open deck, vinyl wood entry panel. It worked really well – we were in this house for about the first month, then it gave up. This must be the original unit installed when the house was built, so 60+ years of service is pretty impressive. What does this have to do with the grill you ask? Well, read on.

Mid Century Modern Wood Fence

The reason I mention the air conditioner is because it is moved to the side of the house to free up space in the small backyard. And we want to move the fence line to enclose more of the yard and add some modern pride to the house that has been tucked away for so long.

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